Nope, I didn't fall for it.
By the way, is the reason you kept while we were have anything to do with keeping that name out of the Watchtower's hands?
a week or so ago i posted that the forum was 15 years old (15 years of and hinted that there may be some news to announce about the site:.
i also may have some other news to share soon about the future of the site so stay posted.
well, now i can announce it - i sold it !.
Nope, I didn't fall for it.
By the way, is the reason you kept while we were have anything to do with keeping that name out of the Watchtower's hands?
recent events and book reads (one suggested by cofty i believe- thank you) have lead me to the only logical and acceptable conclusion:.
there is no god.. simple logical reasoning: matter can neither me created or destroyed.
so the amount of mass in the universe is constant.
latest video.
only been mentally out 4 months, but lett's concluding words made me want to vomit.
the propaganda is thick.
wow, what a great book.
i started reading it today and have not been able stop.
im already 80 pages in!
i sometimes wonder what it would be like to live under a theocracy.
this article and upcoming nightline interview will give us a clue..
never a jw, "Only in America"
I would not say only in America, the Muslim states make that obvious, but it's just the harbinger of things to come. As the article mentioned, they have a religious police, the "God squad", just like ISIS and Saudi Arabia have.
i sometimes wonder what it would be like to live under a theocracy.
this article and upcoming nightline interview will give us a clue..
I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live under a theocracy. This article and upcoming Nightline interview will give us a clue.
wow, what a great book.
i started reading it today and have not been able stop.
im already 80 pages in!
the hijab is one of a few headdresses worn by muslim women.
from what i can tell, it is supposed to hide the femininity of the woman.
because i'm sure as a muslim, it's going to all be the woman's fault if a man acts improperly due to attraction.. i don't agree with it, but hey, it's their religion and it doesn't hurt others, so have at it if you want to wear it.. let's face it.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
@ violas,
"that would be very foolish of the gas station attendant ."
Foolishness defines such people.
"If he really hates gays, why does he want them hanging around his town? sell them the gas and they leave."
You have somewhat of a point there but the scenario is sufficient to make a moral point.
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
A gay couple are making a car trip across a long stretch of unpopulated dessert. The driver had figured he had enough gas to make it to his destination but sometime into the trip realized that the air conditioner was lowering his gas mileage. So he pulls over to the nearest gas station which is the last one for 50 miles.
He goes to the gas station attendant to fill up his tank. The gas station attendant refused him service because he and his partner look gay.